Chemical free cleaners in Bredbury, Marple and Romiley . Done and Dusted cleaners use eco-friendly products.

- Method cleaning range (a new line in fruit based cleaners, with wonderful aromas)
- Micro fibre e-cloths are specially constructed to create a fabric that ‘holds’ dirt – and only releases it when it is rinsed in warm water.
- Enjo cloths – These are the new wave in fibre technology
Henry Hoovers
- Our hoovers are PAT tested – sorry, we are not insured to use your vacuum cleaner.
- The hoovers are fitted with Hepa filters to trap dirt and reduce allergens
- We use high efficiency filter bags which trap finer dust particles – great for helping anyone with allergies!
- Our team of chemical free cleaners in Marple and Romiley use hoovers with extra long cables, so we don’t have to keep unplugging them to look for new plug points – a few extra minutes we can use for cleaning.
As an Eco warrior, you may want to know about other natural ways to clean
Soapnuts or Soapberries are actually dried fruit shells which contain real natural soap and are 100% completely natural.
Soapnuts are a natural, non-polluting, compostable, alternative to conventional laundry detergents and synthetic soaps. No fillers, foaming agents, bleach, phthlates, phosphates or parabens.
Soapnut fruits actually contain a natural soap called saponin, which is released when they come into contact with water. They help free dirt and grime from clothes and help carry it away. This is how all synthetic detergents work
- It helps get rid of stains, mould, and mildew around the house.
- Kills insects such as ants.
- It’s used in laundry detergents and helps to whiten and get rid of dirt.
- Neutralizes odours and softens hard water.
- Sanitize your garbage disposal.
- Eliminate urine odour on mattresses.
Well, we gave this one a try, but friends kept asking if we’d just been to the chippy!
Contact us for a free quote or call us on 0161 491 4927